Ivf in Cambodia: an overview of the transplant process

publishTime:2024-03-29 visitCount:275

Ivf technology is an important assisted reproductive technology, which has brought the hope of fertility to many infertile couples. In Cambodia, more and more couples are opting for IVF treatment, but many are unaware of the transplant process. This article will introduce the procedure of IVF transplantation in Cambodia in detail, including the preparation stage, the operation and the precautions after the operation.

1. Preparation

Before undergoing IVF transplant surgery, patients and doctors need to go through a series of preparations:

Hormone regulation: Patients usually receive hormone regulation therapy for a period of time to promote follicle growth and ovulation.

Egg collection: After the follicles have developed to the right size, the doctor will perform an egg collection surgery to remove the mature eggs for use.

Sperm extraction: If autologous sperm is used for fertilization, then at the same time, the male patient will also undergo sperm extraction surgery.

2. Transplant surgery

Once the preparations are complete, the transplant can take place. The procedure is generally divided into the following steps:

Embryo development: After the eggs are removed, doctors in the lab combine the eggs with sperm to create embryos. The embryos are regularly observed and tested in the incubator until they reach their optimal state of development.

Embryo selection: Based on the development and quality of the embryo, the doctor will select the embryo that is most likely to be successfully implanted.

Transfer procedure: After selecting the embryo, the doctor will place the embryo into the uterine cavity through the vagina. The procedure is similar to a regular gynecological exam and usually does not require anesthesia.

3. Postoperative care

After transplant surgery, patients need to pay attention to the following points:

Rest: Patients need to rest properly and avoid strenuous exercise and stress.

Medication: Your doctor may prescribe medications, such as progesterone tablets, to help the lining of the uterus better accept the embryo.

Regular review: The patient needs to visit the hospital regularly to see if the embryo has been successfully implanted and if there are any complications.


The IVF transplant process in Cambodia is a complex and delicate operation that requires the cooperation of the patient and the doctor. Understanding each step of the transplant process helps patients better cope with various situations during treatment. If you have any questions or need consultation about IVF treatment, please feel free to contact New Bonn IVF Facility, we will be happy to help and support you.

Cambodian IVF IVF