Kyrgyzstan do test tube guide

publishTime:2024-06-17 visitCount:72

The IVF process is a complex and delicate medical procedure designed to help couples who are unable to conceive naturally achieve their dreams of procreation. The following is a detailed description of the IVF process:


First, the preliminary preparation stage

Physical examination: Both couples need to have a comprehensive physical examination, including chromosome and infectious disease examination, women also need to assess ovarian reserve, endocrine status and reproductive system examination. The man should have a semen test to ensure the quality of his sperm.

Sign an agreement: If the physical examination is smooth, the husband and wife have no contraindication of IVF, and the woman can withstand the pregnancy process, she can enter the process of IVF and sign the relevant agreement.

Document preparation: Both husband and wife need to prepare marriage certificate, second-generation ID card (valid period) and other necessary documents.

Second, ovulation promotion stage

Make a plan: Depending on the woman's condition, the doctor will choose the appropriate ovulation promotion plan and medication. The choice of specific protocols and medications takes into account a woman's physical condition, ovarian reserve, ovarian response, and pelvic disease.

Implementation of stimulating expulsion: Through the injection of stimulating ovulation, eat stimulating ovulation drugs, begin to provide a large amount of and sufficient nutrition for the ovary, so that each follicle is full, eat well, uniform and robust synchronous growth.

Three, egg retrieval stage

Determine the time of egg retrieval: When the follicle diameter is about 18mm, determine the time of HCG injection to promote egg maturation, and generally take eggs 34 to 36 hours after HCG injection.

Egg extraction surgery: Egg extraction surgery is a process of vaginal aspiration of follicular fluid under the guidance of B-ultrasound. Now the general reproductive center is using painless egg extraction, to minimize the pain or discomfort of the operation.

Iv. Embryo treatment stage

In vitro fertilization: On the day of egg retrieval, the man provides a sperm sample to the laboratory, which performs fertilization.

Embryo culture: After fertilization, the embryos will be cultured in the laboratory, generally for 3 days or 5-9 days, you can choose to carry out fresh embryo transfer or frozen embryo preservation.

5. Embryo transfer stage

Endometrial preparation: Before transplantation, the doctor will adjust the woman's inner membrane to make it suitable for implantation.

Embryo transfer: The transfer of cultured embryos into a woman's uterus.

Six, later attention

Maintain a good attitude: in the later stage of IVF, patients often face huge psychological pressure, and it is crucial to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude at this time.

Eat right and exercise: Maintain a balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, and avoid strenuous exercise.

Follow your doctor's instructions: In the later stages of IVF, patients usually need to take some medications to maintain luteal function, so be sure to follow your doctor's instructions.

Avoid bad habits: Avoid smoking, drinking and other bad habits, as well as contact with toxic and harmful substances.

Regular prenatal check-up and follow-up: The patient should have regular prenatal check-up to understand the development of the embryo and follow the doctor's guidance for follow-up.

The advantages of doing IVF in Kyrgyzstan

1, high success rate: Kyrgyzstan's reproductive medicine center is equipped with advanced equipment and technology, the success rate is comparable to European and American countries.

2. Reasonable cost: Compared with the high cost of IVF in European and American countries, the cost of Kyrgyzstan is more affordable and cost-effective.

3, quality medical services: provide a full range of services, from early consultation to later tracking, to ensure that every step is detailed.

4, good environment: beautiful natural scenery and pleasant climate, help patients relax during treatment, improve the success rate.

Doing test tubes in Kyrgyzstan requires both couples to do a good job of preparation. By understanding test-tube medical resources, choosing the right medical institutions and doctors, conducting a comprehensive physical examination, adjusting lifestyle and eating habits, preparing the necessary documents and materials, understanding the test-tube assisted pregnancy process and precautions, and maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude, you can better cope with the challenges and difficulties of test-tube assisted pregnancy, and realize your fertility dream.

Kyrgyzstan does test tubes Kyrgyzstan does test tubes