Qingdao third generation IVF expenses can be reimbursed?

publishTime:2024-05-07 visitCount:143

In China, medical insurance reimbursement varies from region to region and is usually determined by local medical insurance policies. At present, medical insurance policies in most regions have not covered the cost of the third generation of IVF technology. The situation in the Qingdao area is no exception, and most of the costs of the third generation of IVF usually need to be paid by families.

The cost of the third generation of IVF generally includes the following aspects:

1, initial diagnosis and examination costs: both couples need to carry out a comprehensive physical examination to assess the fertility status.

2. Drug costs: including ovulation promoting drugs, and drugs that may be used before and after transplantation.

3, surgery and laboratory operation costs: involving egg retrieval, sperm processing, in vitro fertilization, embryo culture, etc.

4. PGD/PGS testing costs: genetic testing of embryos and screening of healthy embryos.

5. Cost of embryo transfer: Transfer the selected embryos into the female uterus.

6. Follow-up costs: including blood hCG test, B-ultrasound examination, etc.

According to the current market situation, the approximate range of the full cost of the third generation of IVF in Qingdao area may be between 100,000 yuan and 200,000 yuan. This cost range is a rough estimate, and actual costs may vary depending on individual differences, healthcare facilities, drug choices, testing coverage, and other factors.

How to reduce the cost of the third generation of IVF

1, choose the right hospital and doctor: when choosing the hospital and doctor for IVF treatment, it is necessary to consider their professional level and treatment experience to avoid treatment failure due to poor medical technology and increase the cost burden.

2, reasonable development of treatment plan: In the development of IVF treatment plan, according to the personal situation and doctor's advice, avoid blindly pursuing high-end treatment plan, so as to reduce unnecessary expenses.

3, actively cooperate with treatment: patients in the process of IVF treatment should actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment plan, improve the success rate of treatment, reduce the increased cost due to treatment failure.

The cost of the third generation of IVF technology is relatively high and is usually not reimbursable in the Qingdao area. Therefore, patients should carefully choose hospitals and doctors when undergoing IVF treatment, rationally formulate treatment plans, and actively cooperate with treatment to reduce the burden of treatment costs.

Qingdao third generation test tube Qingdao third generation test tube reimbursement