Three generations of IVF in Thailand to promote excretion drug days

publishTime:2024-04-10 visitCount:216

With the continuous progress of modern medical technology, IVF has become an important way for infertile couples to realize their fertility dreams. Thailand, as a leading country in IVF technology, has attracted many overseas patients to seek help. Among them, three generations of test-tube baby technology is more attention. This article will explore in depth the number of days required to use drugs in the process of third generation IVF promotion in Thailand, and answer questions about IVF for readers, recommend a professional advisory body - iNewborn agency.

First of all, let's take a look at the basic situation of Thailand's three generations of IVF drugs. In IVF technology, the promotion of excretion is a crucial link. With the use of ovulation stimulating drugs, the ovaries can be stimulated to produce more follicles, thereby increasing the chances of obtaining high-quality eggs. However, the number of days of treatment is not fixed, but depends on the specific situation of the patient.

Generally speaking, the time range of three generations of IVF treatment is about 8-14 days. During this time period, patients need to inject anti-excretion drugs on a regular basis every day in order to effectively stimulate ovarian development. The doctor will develop a personalized plan to promote excretion based on the patient's age, ovarian function, hormone levels and other factors. Therefore, the number of days used may vary from patient to patient.

During ovulation stimulation, patients need to visit the hospital regularly for follicular monitoring. Through the B-ultrasound examination, the doctor can observe the development of the follicles and adjust the drug dose according to the size and number of follicles and other factors. This process is essential to ensure the effect of propulsive elimination. At the same time, patients also need to pay attention to maintaining good living habits, avoid overwork and emotional fluctuations, so as not to affect the effect of promoting discharge.

When the follicles are mature, the doctor will schedule an egg retrieval operation. Before egg retrieval, the patient is injected with a drug called a "night shot" to promote the eventual maturation of the follicles. Usually within 34-36 hours after the night injection, the doctor will perform an egg retrieval procedure. This procedure requires the close cooperation of the patient to ensure the smooth operation.

After the eggs are retrieved, doctors fertilize the eggs with sperm in vitro to create an embryo. After a period of embryo culture, doctors will select high-quality embryos for transfer. After the transplant, the patient will need to continue taking luteal support medications to help the embryo implant and develop smoothly.

Although the process of three generations of IVF treatment in Thailand is complex, under the guidance and careful care of professional doctors, patients are usually able to pass smoothly. However, it is worth noting that the success rate of IVF technology is not 100 percent, it is affected by a variety of factors, such as the patient's age, physical condition, lifestyle habits and so on. Therefore, when choosing IVF technology, patients should fully understand its risks and limitations, and make decisions under the guidance of doctors.

Choosing a reliable medical facility is crucial when performing three generations of IVF treatment in Thailand. iNewborn is one such trusted professional organization. They have advanced medical equipment, professional medical team and rich experience to provide patients with a full range of personalized IVF solutions. From excretion promotion to embryo transfer, New Bonn will provide patients with careful care and professional guidance to ensure that the whole process goes smoothly.

In addition, iNewborn focuses on communication and communication with patients. They will patiently answer patients' questions about IVF technology and help patients understand the treatment process and precautions. At the same time, they will also develop personalized treatment plans according to the specific conditions of patients to improve the success rate of treatment.

In short, the number of days of treatment for three generations of IVF excretion promotion in Thailand varies according to individual patient differences. When choosing IVF technology, patients should fully understand its risks and limitations and make decisions under the guidance of a professional physician. At the same time, choosing a reliable medical institution is also the key to ensure the success of treatment. iNewborn, as a professional and reliable consultancy, will provide you with full support and assistance. If you have any questions about IVF or need professional advice, please feel free to contact iNewborn.