Sutam Sutapeng

Sutam Sutapeng

Endoscopic and endoscopic surgery for infertility and various gynecological diseases
Personal profile

Obstetrician, specializing in endoscopic and endoscopic surgery for infertility and various gynecological diseases.

Personal experience
Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Nottingham, UK
Honors received:
Master of Assisted Reproductive Technology (Honours), University of Nottingham, UK; Doctor of Medicine, University of Farmasaqi, Thailand (1st honours)
research field

➢ Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Nottingham, UK

➢ Master of Assisted Reproductive Technology (Hons), University of Nottingham, UK

➢ Doctor of Medicine, Farmasaqi University, Thailand (1st honors)

➢ Obstetricians specialise in endoscopic and endoscopic surgery for infertility and various gynaecological diseases

➢ Endocrine and Reproductive Medicine :PCOS