Tursunaliev Nurlan Orozbayevich

Tursunaliev Nurlan Orozbayevich

Possess all basic skills in the field of reproductive embryology
Personal profile

Possess all basic skills in the field of reproductive embryology

Personal experience
Doctor, embryologist, working experience for 19 years, Kyrgyz State education, embryological technology in assisted reproductive technology
Honors received:
Head, Department of Embryology, RHAT, Kyrgyzstan
research field

Head, Department of Embryology, RHAT, Kyrgyzstan

Doctor, embryologist, 19 years of experience

Education: Embryology techniques in assisted reproductive technology for education in Kyrgyzstan

Almaty Institute of Reproductive Medicine "IVF-ICSI"

Experience: All basic skills in the field of reproductive embryology, fertilization of oocytes by IVE, ICSI, PICSL, culture and evaluation of embryo development, assisted hatching, embryo biopsy for PGD analysis, cryopreservation of oocytes, sperm and embryos, study of sperm MAP parameters, sperm morphology, MAP testing. Preparation of naturally frozen semen from in vitro fertilization (INVF), ICS1, VMI donors, using materials obtained by extracting sperm by surgical methods (TESA, TESE, MESE)