Duangrudee Peetinarak

Duangrudee Peetinarak

Advanced test tube ovulation disorder premature ovarian failure
Personal profile

Good at female endocrine disorder conditioning, older guests ovulation disorders, premature ovarian failure has a unique effect.

Personal experience
It has unique curative effect on ovulation disorder and premature ovarian failure of older guests, and comprehensive treatment plan for guests who have failed several times in test tubes
Honors received:
Member of the Medical Council of Thailand, member of the Royal Thai College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, member of the Thai Embryologist Association
research field

● Member of the Medical Council of Thailand

● Member of the Royal Thai College of Obstetrics and Gynecology

● Member of the Thai Embryologist Association, specializing in the management of female endocrine disorders

● It has unique curative effect on older guests with ovulation disorder and premature ovarian failure

● Comprehensive treatment plan for guests with repeated tube failures