Dr. Seery

Dr. Seery

Old age is difficult to conceive few eggs low ovarian function
Personal profile

It has a very unique treatment plan for elderly women who are difficult to conceive, have few eggs, and have low ovarian function.

Personal experience
It is known as the savior of men with low sperm, weak sperm, high sperm fragmentation rate and high sperm deformity rate
Honors received:
Member of the Medical Council of Thailand, member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Thailand, member of the Reproductive Medicine Society of Thailand
research field

● Member of the Medical Council of Thailand

● Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Thailand

● Member of the Reproductive Medicine Society of Thailand

● Nearly 20 years of experience in assisted reproductive industry, good at reproductive secretion research for elderly women difficult to conceive, few eggs, low ovarian function has a very unique diagnosis and treatment plan

● Known as the savior of men with low sperm, weak sperm, high sperm fragmentation rate, and high sperm malformation rate